While it may be a distant memory for you Eddie, it was quite a jolt for us. Having seen this scrawny brown and black little gal (yes, you Ed!) and having decided that our growing herd could stand a sixth member, we made plans to return to Cherry Grove with Big Blue on July 4th weekend.
Then an unexpected text that something was up with your right front hoof causing you a rather noticeable limp. We were offered a substitute if the condition didn’t get better but we decided to wait a week and see if the condition improved. A week later, after little change, we decided to take the chance that we could nurse you back to health. It appeared you had hoof rot and the treatment was vigilant cleaning, twice daily soaking and avoidance of wet ground (thank you calf pen!).
You showed steady progress and Eddie within a week you were running and kicking with the best of them! During the intensive week of “therapy” it was impossible not to notice your true nature coming through.
To be continued…